Timeline of mac os x operating systems
Timeline of mac os x operating systems

timeline of mac os x operating systems

UCLA Secure UNIX – an early secure UNIX OS based on security kernel.KSOS – secure OS design from Ford Aerospace.KVM/370 – security retro-fit of IBM VM/370.UCSD p-System ( First released version).Virtual Memory System (VMS) V1.0 ( Initial commercial release, October 25).Cambridge CAP computer – all operating system procedures written in ALGOL 68C, with some closely associated protected procedures in BCPL.Operating System/Virtual Storage 2 R2 (MVS).Hydra – capability-based, multiprocessing OS kernel.Multi-Programming Executive (MPE) – Hewlett-Packard.DOS-11 V09-20C ( Last stable release, June 1974).VME – implementation language S3 ( ALGOL 68).Эльбрус-1 ( Elbrus-1) – Soviet computer – created using high-level language uЭль-76 ( AL-76/ALGOL 68).PRIMOS (written in FORTRAN IV, that didn't have pointers, while later versions, around version 18, written in a version of PL/I, called PL/P).Virtual Machine/System Extensions Program Product (SEPP or VM/BSE).Virtual Machine/Basic System Extensions Program Product (BSEPP or VM/SE).Virtual Machine Facility/370 (VM/370), sometimes known as VM/CMS.Operating System/Virtual Storage 2 R1 (OS/VS2 SVS).Operating System/Virtual Storage 1 (OS/VS1).RSTS-11 2A-19 ( First released version PDP-11).Multics (MIT, GE, Bell Labs for the GE-645 and later the Honeywell 6180) ( opened for paying customers in October ).Unics (later Unix) ( AT&T, initially on DEC computers).TENEX ( Bolt, Beranek and Newman for DEC systems, later TOPS-20).THE multiprogramming system ( Eindhoven University of Technology) publication.WAITS ( SAIL, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, time-sharing system for DEC PDP-6 and PDP-10, later TOPS-10).TSS/360 (IBM's Time-sharing System for the S/360-67, never officially released, canceled in 1969 and again in 1971).ORVYL (Stanford University's time-sharing system for the IBM S/360).ITS (MIT's Incompatible Timesharing System for the DEC PDP-6 and PDP-10).

timeline of mac os x operating systems

  • Michigan Terminal System (MTS) (time-sharing system for the IBM S/360-67 and successors).
  • CP-40, predecessor to CP-67 on modified IBM System/360 Model 40.
  • OS/360 (IBM's primary OS for its S/360 series) PCP and MFT ( shipped).
  • Multics (MIT, GE, Bell Labs for the GE-645) ( announced).
  • THE multiprogramming system ( Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven) development.
  • PDP-6 Monitor ( DEC) descendant renamed TOPS-10 in 1970.
  • OS/360 (IBM's primary OS for its S/360 series) ( announced).
  • timeline of mac os x operating systems

    Dartmouth Time Sharing System ( Dartmouth College's DTSS for GE computers).Berkeley Timesharing System (for Scientific Data Systems' SDS 940).

    timeline of mac os x operating systems

  • KDF9 Timesharing Director ( English Electric) – an early, fully hardware secured, fully pre-emptive process switching, multi-programming operating system for KDF9 (originally announced in 1960).
  • Titan Supervisor, early time-sharing system begun.
  • JOSS, an interactive time-shared system that did not distinguish between operating system and language.
  • CTSS becomes operational ( MIT's Compatible Time-Sharing System for the IBM 7094).
  • AN/FSQ-32, another early time-sharing system begun.
  • GCOS ( GE's General Comprehensive Operating System, originally GECOS, General Electric Comprehensive Operating Supervisor).
  • Atlas Supervisor ( Manchester University) ( Atlas computer commissioned).
  • MCP ( Burroughs Master Control Program).
  • CTSS demonstration ( MIT's Compatible Time-Sharing System for the IBM 7094).
  • SHARE Operating System (SOS), based on GM-NAA I/O.
  • University of Michigan Executive System (UMES), for IBM 704, 709, and 7090.
  • BESYS ( Bell Labs), for IBM 704, later IBM 7090 and IBM 7094.
  • Atlas Supervisor ( Manchester University) ( Atlas computer project start).
  • GM-NAA I/O for IBM 704, based on General Motors Operating System.
  • General Motors Operating System made for IBM 701.
  • MIT's Tape Director operating system made for UNIVAC 1103.
  • LEO I 'Lyons Electronic Office' was the commercial development of EDSAC computing platform, supported by British firm J.

  • Timeline of mac os x operating systems